Unexpected leaks, troublesome tenants and the administrative hoops of landlording are all burdens you hadn’t envisaged when you invested in rental property.
Whilst you juggle property maintenance and administration, you are missing out on doing the things that enrich your life.
This is why we set up The Blue Oak. We support property investors in Nottingham and Manchester in growing their portfolios by taking the faff of property management off their plate.
As property investors ourselves, we understand that well-managed properties attract and keep good tenants, maximising return on investment.
150+ landlords in Nottingham and Manchester trust us to manage their rental properties.
Landlords outsource their property management to us because we do it extremely well. We look after your investment, increase yields, and give you an easier life.
The Blue Oak is preferred by many because we are experienced, independent, and give a transparent view of your investment through our secure online platform.
Upload certificates, see running costs, maintenance completed, rental income and health status.
We keep you abreast of changes to regulations and adapt our service to meet legal obligations.
Happy tenants make good tenants. We work hard to keep your property tenanted and assist in disputes and rent arrears if they arise.
Enjoy peace of mind knowing you are in capable hands with the experienced Blue Oak team.
Our property management service takes care of finding tenants, property maintenance, meeting property regulations, and sustaining a good relationship with tenants to avoid gaps in your rental income.